
“My family and I have benefited greatly from going to the Bible Holiness Church. We have learned so much, and grown spiritually. The Pastor of our church truly does minister to each one of us by preaching only what God’s Word reveals, and whatever God impresses upon his heart. We can all see how God has blessed Pastor Dwayne’s ministry. He has a heart and love for people. He visits people, prays with them, and for them. He gives spiritual guidance as needed. He always gives God the glory for whatever is said or done. As a result, God has blessed the church. We have a larger church family, and we really are a family. We love one another and help one another. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful church to go to, where the love of God is shown and shared with everyone.” (By: Sue Conner)

“When we moved to Virginia from Maryland it was very important to find a church. We looked for awhile before coming to The Bible Holiness Church. The people of this church were very welcoming and you could feel their love for God and you! We have been coming here for 15 years now and still feel the same love and welcome that we did on day one!”
Hoyt & Deana Martin.

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- 611 S Franklin St. Christiansburg, VA 24073
- 540-392-5757
- pastor@bibleholinesschurch.org
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